Better Business Decisions by Enhanced Customer Data Analysis

Top Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Badly Need Email Validation

  Let’s start off with some basic facts: For 2017, HubSpot states that 86 percent of professionals prefer using email for business outreaches and that 86 percent of consumers “would like to receive promotional emails from…
Better Business Decisions by Enhanced Customer Data Analysis

Marketers Increase ROI after using Marketing Automation Tool

  As a marketer, if you are planning on implementing marketing automation into your marketing strategies, you must first understand how marketing automation works. Marketing automation can help promote your products easily. It…

Grow Your Email List: Give More Than You Can Take

Business is about growing your revenue and determining the best possible strategies to achieve this. While there are numerous ways you can do to maximize profits for lesser the cost, you can always choose to implement an effective lead generation…
The State of B2B: Lead Generation Statistics for 2017

The State of B2B: Lead Generation Statistics for 2017

  When it comes to business, especially with the B2B industry, three things matter the most: numbers, numbers, numbers. Nothing else points you towards improving what resources you have. And by taking a close look at the most…

How to Turn Cold Leads Into a Sale?

  B2Bs love referrals, inbound warm leads, and repeat business. However, scaling warm leads is not that easy. Once you run out of leads, it will be difficult to increase your revenue. Hence, it’s always important to focus on driving…
Better Business Decisions by Enhanced Customer Data Analysis

Start FRESH with a Clean Email List for 2017

  Okay, New Year’s Resolutions are a little bit corny, not to mention outdated. And whether you admit it or not, they’ve become more perfunctory than heartfelt. If I dare say that 9 out of every 10 people who make a list of things…

Lead Generation Tips from the Best in the Business

You might have tried to Google “lead generation tips” and a couple hundred million results turned up. Great. But saying it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack is an understatement. It’s more like looking for that needle in a…

Buying a Marketing List: 9 Things That Should be on your Checklist

Buying a list for your marketing campaign is a great idea  but making a decision as to who to choose for when looking for the right list provider can be a hard one. Targeting the right audience is the key to success in every marketing campaign.…